Thursday, 26 April 2012

why I should be in the On Track Team

This week we had to write why we would be the right person to go on the On Track Team. It was really hard to write trying to sell ourselves as we felt a bit stink doing it. Here are some examples.

Firstly: I am a very helpful guy that cares for this school. Here are some reason why. I care, people trust me, and Mr Howard lets me get stuff for him.
Secondly: I help people in Pasifica Pride. People believe that I am a nice boy here at Somerset Crescent school.
Thirdy: I do what people ask and I dont talk back. I help my sisters cross the road.
In conclusion this is why I should be in the on track team.

By Nehemia

What does it take for me to be on the On Track Team.

It takes support, encouragement, confidence, being able to stand up for yourself and others, responsibility and taking challenges that you try in and include others.
I believe I have these talents to be on the On Track Team. I'll do anything in my heart to keep the Somerset Kids safe from harm.

By Sean

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Measure, measure, measure!

For the next to weeks we are looking at length and area and hopefully some of us will get to do volume. We have looked at why we don't use non standard units to measure with and why it is important to be accurate when measuring. In these photos we had to measure all different lengths of lines and if you look closely you can see that we had to work out how to measure wiggly lines aswell!!

Monday, 2 April 2012

!!Interclass Challenge!!

It was interclass challenge time again this term which can bring out the best and sometimes the worst in us all. However, I'm really proud of how both Rooms 3 and 6 conducted themselves during the first two events. Room 3, you guys and girls did a stunning job in the first two games but hopefully we can come back and win the last game. Ruma awesome (6) even though we weren't able to take the trophy this term I'm extremely proud of the way you acted towards each other and the competition; you worked well as a team and motivated each other when things got tough. The way you treated each other is what really matters and you were all able to laugh and have fun, well done!.

Simon's cat

To have a bit of fun with our writing we watched a youtube video and halfway through we paused it and wrote about what we thought would happen next.